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Learn How to Schedule Posts on your Desktop

Learn how to schedule PostBeyond content to be shared later from the web.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll be going over how to Queue content from the platform on Desktop.

You'll learn:

Queuing posts allows you to set a post to be shared at a predefined time. Queueing posts is a great time saver. This section will go over how to set queue times and how to queue content on Desktop. When you queue a post to a particular social network, it will be scheduled to be shared in the next available slot.

NOTE: Queueing to Facebook is only available for Facebook business pages.


  • Change your queue times 

  • Queue a post 

Let's go over how you can schedule a post for a specific time and day, rather than queuing posts into a slotted time that you've pre-determined.


  • Schedule a post

  • Edit the schedule post

This section will showcase how to view your previously shared and queued content on My Shares. In addition to your queued and scheduled posts, you can also see your past shares and how well they did when shared externally.


  • Navigate to 'My Shares'

  • Search for the previously shared post that got you the most interactions

This section will explain how to edit the schedule for your queued and scheduled content.


  • Queue a post 

  • Go to 'My Shares' to edit the scheduled time for that post 

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