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Comparing Social Networks

What is the difference between Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn? Learn about the different communication styles of each network.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago


  • Improve engagement with your business contacts and customers

  • Provide relevant replies

  • 280 characters max

  • Connect with colleagues, friends, family, business leaders, industry experts, and brands


  • Use brand content as casual conversation starters

  • Your friends and family can be great promoters of your business initiatives

  • Connect with mentors and coaches, industry thought leaders, brands, closer coworkers, friends, and family


  • Build relationships and endorse others

  • Connect and stay top of mind

  • Take advantage of the groups feature to connect with like-minded people

  • Connect with colleagues, former coworkers, event or conference contacts, brands, customers and prospects, vendors, business leaders at your company, inspirational thought leaders, mentors and coaches

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