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How to Link Social Networks in the Web App

If this is the first time you are linking a social network to PostBeyond, you will need to sign in to your selected social account.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Linking your social media accounts is one of the first things you will have to do in order to be able to share content to your own social networks.

Step 1: Go to your settings in PostBeyond

Click the drop-down arrow next to your profile photo, then select 'My Settings'.

Step 2: Link your social network through Social Settings

Next, scroll down to 'Social Settings' and click 'Link Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn' to link whichever social network you want to share posts to.

Step 3: Authorize PostBeyond

If this is the first time you are linking a social network to PostBeyond, you will need to sign in to your selected social network and authorize PostBeyond to use your account. For example, you would connect Twitter by selecting 'Link Twitter.' Twitter will open and you will be asked for authorization. Click 'Authorize app' and you’ll be redirected back to the platform.

Now you have connected your PostBeyond account to your social networks and you will be able to share content directly to Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn from PostBeyond.

If you have not yet linked your accounts you will be prompted to do so the first time you try and share a post on each of your social networks.

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