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Where Can I Find Archived and Pending Posts?

Learn where to find Archived and Pending posts in PostBeyond Admin view.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Archived and Pending posts can be accessed by clicking on the different tabs in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

Active posts

Active posts is where you will find posts that are currently available in your content library.

Pending Posts

Pending Posts is where you will find all of the posts that you have created but are not set to be published until a future date. You can set a post to pending by changing the start date on a post when creating it.

Archived Posts

Here is where you will find posts that have been archived. You can archive an active post manually, or by changing the end date on a post when creating it. From this tab you can also unarchive posts.

Suggested Posts

Here is where you can find any suggested posts from users. You can create posts from suggestions or you can dismiss them from here.

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