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How to Bulk Invite Employees to PostBeyond

Invite large number of users

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this lesson, we will be going over how to invite employees to PostBeyond in bulk. Administrators can easily send email invitations to large groups of employees to create a PostBeyond account.

  • Invite employees to PostBeyond in bulk

  • Customize email invitations

  • Send email invitations

Our focus in this lesson is adding employees to PostBeyond in bulk, if you would like to learn how to invite individual employees, please see this lesson: How to Invite Users to PostBeyond.

Step 1: Go to the Administrator side of the platform

Click on the 'Team' tab

Step 2: Click on the 'Invite users' button in the top right hand corner of the screen and select 'Invite via Email'

Step 3: Click on 'Upload a CSV'

Step 4: Select 'Sample CSV for inviting users', drag and drop an existing file, or select an existing file

Step 5: Fill in the details

Include the employee's first name, last name, email, role (User, Content Creator, or Administrator) and group ID in the CSV file for every employee you would like to invite to PostBeyond.

Please note: For those who have Home Groups enabled, please note that there will be some differences.

Step 6: Click the 'Upload file' button

Step 7: Customize the email invitation

Include a personalized, relevant, and compelling message encouraging employees to register for PostBeyond.

Step 8: Click the ‘Send Invites’ button in the top right hand corner of the screen

You did it!

After clicking the 'Send Invites' button, email invitations will be immediately sent to employees.

This message will appear when your invites have been successfully sent.

Employees will immediately receive the invitation in their email. Your custom message will be formatted like this:

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