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Let's Review Newsletter Analytics

Let's go over the Newsletter page, analytics and discrepancies.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago


In this section, we will go over

Newsletter Breakdown

The Newsletters Analytics provides you with insight into how users are interacting with the newsletters you send and allows you to gauge their effectiveness.

Clicking on Newsletters from the admin panel, you will see an overview of emails that have been drafted, scheduled to be set or have been sent. For the emails that have been sent out, you will have the ability  to 'View analytics'

Hovering over the group number will show you the groups that any specific newsletter was sent to.

You can also filter newsletters to see only the emails you have sent.

Another filter allows you to see newsletters based on the groups who received the content.


Next, clicking on View Analytics will give you more information.

Recipients: Shows how many users received the email.

Opened: Shows the number of unique users who opened the email and the total number of times the email was opened.

Clicked: Shows how many users clicked on a post in the email and the total number of clicks performed on posts in the email. These includes shares and link views.

The graph illustrates the number of recipients, unique opens, and clicks, which allows it to function as a funnel, demonstrating what type of drop-off you have from one action to the next.

In the table, you will find a list of all of the users who received the email, how many times each user has opened the email, and how many times each user has clicked in the email. You can sort by each column, from highest to lowest, or A-Z if sorting by user name.

Newsletters Analytic Metric Discrepancies

Sometimes there may seem that the analytics do not make sense. Below are cases and reasons as to why the numbers may appear off.

Users in Group vs Users in Newsletters

Sometimes you will notice that the number of users in a group is more than the users sent a newsletter.

This is the result of users that have turned off their subscriptions to PostBeyond. Unsubscribing to any type of PostBeyond email removes you from all emails, including updates.

Analytic Discrepancies

Sometimes you may notice that a user has clicked on the content but is showing 0 opens on the email.

The reasons that you might see some users showing clicks but no opens, is due to the fact that a user may intentionally/unintentionally have their auto image loading disabled. 

What is the auto image loading setting and what is its function?
It is a setting to enable/disable images from automatically loading. For mobile, this is sometimes an auto setting to save on data.

How does it impact Newsletter stats?
At PostBeyond, we track email opens by injecting an invisible image that is loaded from our servers. If the image loading is disabled, that pixel wouldn't load, thus we wouldn't get the event that the user opened the email.

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