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Why Do I Give PostBeyond Access to My Social Networks?
Why Do I Give PostBeyond Access to My Social Networks?

To grant PostBeyond access to your profile to post content based on your desired queueing schedule.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

We care about your privacy. We only require permission so that we can share from your accounts from the platform. Also, your employer will not have access to any additional information and can only view the content you have posted publicly to your personal accounts.

We do not track your friends/connections, your posts outside of the platform, comments, or any other qualitative information.


Please note that these are standard third party sharing requirements from Twitter. So connecting to the Twitter API will give us access to your account, however, not all abilities are applicable and some are so that you as a user can share to your own account through PostBeyond

We will never:

  • Follow or unfollow accounts for you

  • Send direct Messages for you and read, manage, and delete your Direct Messages

We do...

  • Mute, block and report accounts for you - to prevent Twitter bots and fake accounts from contributing to your engagements

  • See your Twitter profile information - to tack your potential reach, engagements on posts, etc.

Since you are using PostBeyond to share your content, technically PostBeyond will need permission to complete the below actions, but not independently...

  • Post and Delete Tweets - we don't delete, but 'we' do post for you. Technically you are posting for yourself through PostBeyond. We never actually share content on your behalf


Facebook requirements for Third party platforms that share on a users behalf are quite extensive. To connect to the Facebook API we will technically have access to a lot of information - but please note that we do not use all of this information nor do we ever share, comment, access your account etc.

We will never:

  • Manage your comments - reply to comments or delete comments, but we will be able to track them for the purposes of engagements with shared content from PostBeyond

We will...

  • Create and manage content on your page: technically this will be you, but your are doing it through PostBeyond. We will never post on your behalf independently

  • Read user content/content on your page: to accept PostBeyond content that is used for tracking engagements

  • Receive your timeline posts: but only to see what kind of reactions (engagements) they receive for your PostBeyond leaderboard score

  • Manage account settings: this is not to manage your settings - but this is to connect your account in relation with PostBeyond.


LinkedIn also has permission settings, but please note that this is standard for all third party platforms that share to LinkedIn.

We will never:

  • Post, comment and like on your behalf - independently

  • Manage your organizations pages - independently

We will...

  • Post on your behalf technically: but it's you posting though PostBeyond.

  • Retrieve post data that pertains to PostBeyond shared content for tracking engagements

  • We will track engagements of posts shared to business pages

This is a standard messaging to ensure that your are aware of the connection that a third party platform has, but we NEVER share to LinkedIn only you do through PostBeyond.

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