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How to Set-up Your Slack Integration

Learn how to enable the Slack integration for your PostBeyond program.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Slack Integration allows admins to easily push/provide updates on new content available to users.

This integration is the perfect way to meet your team where they're at by allowing you to send information and social content right into a Slack channel. It’s easier and faster for your employees to access content and share it with their social networks.

In this article, you will learn how to push posts to Slack. This is a great way for users to view PostBeyond content without leaving the Slack experience.


Note: This feature is currently not available on the PostBeyond mobile app.

How to Set-up Slack Integration

Go to the Admin view 'Settings' > 'Integrations'. From here click 'Link Slack'

And simply complete the following process by selecting the Slack channel that posts appear:

Once added, there is always the ability to remove the Slack integration and add a new group:

How to 'Push posts to Slack by default'

'Push posts to Slack by default' by clicking the button:

How Posts Appear on Slack

When a post is pushed to Slack, it will appear in the selected channel as such: 

From here, users can 'Go to Post' back in slack if they want to share the post on their social media.

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