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What is a Team Leaderboard?

What are Team Leaderboards? Where to find Team Leaderboards? How to get Team Leaderboard?

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago


In this article you will learn about the User interface for Team Leaderboards and understand:

What are Team Leaderboards?

Team Leaderboards is the functionality of having multiple leaderboards created by your Admin.

Team Leaderboards can be segmented groups for a number of reasons including:

  • Region ( East, West, North, etc)

  • Department (Sales, Marketing, HR)

  • Monthly Contests (see: Contest Best Practices for more ideas on how to create contests for your team)

  • And much more!

The number of ways that a user can be grouped is truly endless, and as a user, you could find yourself on many Team Leaderboards.

If you have ideas for Team Leaderboards or would like to start a contest of your own, you can reach out to your Admin or contact 

Where to find your Team Leaderboards

Team Leaderboards can be found within the existing leaderboard section of your profile. 

At the top right section of the home page, click on the Trophy icon:

From here, you will be able to review all of the Team Leaderboards that you are apart of by using the top right drop-down on the Leaderboard page.

How to get Team Leaderboards enabled

Don't have Team Leaderboards currently enabled? Reach out to your Admin who will need to speak with your company's PostBeyond Customer Success Manager.

If you do not know who your Admin is, please contact

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