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Covid-19: Newsletter Templates for Admins

Use these templates to discuss how to navigate PostBeyond with your employees during a pandemic.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

How to Use These Templates:

As we’re adjusting to a new “normal” it’s important to leverage your PostBeyond program to keep your users engaged and sharing relevant content to stay top of mind for your buyers and/or prospective talent.

One of the best ways to boost adoption and get more of your users signing in and sharing is by sending weekly Newsletters from the PostBeyond platform.

Here are a few templates you can use. Simply copy and paste the text into your next Newsletter and make it your own or send as is.

For Social Selling

Template # 1

Subject Line: 3 Tips to Use PostBeyond for Social Selling


As we navigate this “new normal”, the way we sell has changed. It’s important for us to interact with our buyers and prospects where they are- online. We can easily do that today with PostBeyond.

By sharing interesting and helpful content on your social networks, you can stand out as an expert and stay top of mind for buyers.

Here are 3 ways you can use (INSERT PROGRAM NAME) to help you with social selling today:

  1. Queue up posts - Sign in each Monday morning and queue up content for the week ahead. It will take you 5 minutes and help keep you active and top of mind for your buyers online

  2. Edit your captions - add your opinion and expertise before you share a post. This will help buyers gain more trust in you and what you can offer them. Also focus on sharing content that your buyers would want to read. The more topical and relevant the content you share is for your buyers, the more likely they are to read it and engage with it.

  3. Use the Shareable Link - this will allow you to share content via email or direct message which is a great way to follow up with prospects and give them something of value.

Here are a few posts below to share and queue up.

Happy sharing,

Template # 2

Subject line: How to deal with “ghost” buyers


You were chatting, they seemed interested and then POOF they’ve disappeared. Social media can be a great tool to re-engage with prospects who have gone cold.

Here are a few ways you can leverage social media to re-engage with “ghosts”:

  1. Use the Shareable link in PostBeyond below posts to copy and paste the link to the piece of content in an email or direct message on LinkedIn. This can help you offer something of value and strike up a conversation again

  2. Interact with the prospect’s posts on LinkedIn - casually and just sharing your feedback on whatever they’ve posted is a great way to stay top of mind

  3. Tag prospects in articles or content you’re sharing that is relevant to them and useful. This shows that you’re being helpful and thinking of them.

  4. Share regularly (multiple times a week) - to stay active on LinkedIn and ensure that your posts are visible on the LinkedIn home feed. Using the PostBeyond queue feature is a great way to save time and schedule posts out for the week in just a few minutes.

Start sharing today, check out some of the posts below.

Happy sharing,

Template # 3

Subject line: Why we’re active on social media right now


With events looking different in 2020, it’s important to make the most of our online presence and stay top of mind for our buyers.

Also with the global economy entering a recession, now is the time to do our part to help sustain and grow our company.

PostBeyond makes it easy for us to stay active on social media and top of mind for our buyers. It’s our competitive advantage and something our executives expect us to use regularly.

Queue up posts to schedule them for the week and save time. We’ve got some great new posts for you to schedule and share, check them out below.

Happy sharing,

Template # 4

Subject line: This week’s social selling tips


As we’re using our competitive advantage (PostBeyond) to stay top of mind for our buyers and customers, here’s this week’s fast tips for stepping up your social selling game:

  1. Add your current prospects/leads on LinkedIn

  2. Follow the company or prospect on LinkedIn

  3. Use the shareable link to share content via email or direct messaging

  4. Schedule 15 minutes in your calendar 3x a week to interact with your prospects’ social media posts

  5. Share content regularly to stay top of mind (use PostBeyond’s queue feature to save time and schedule posts for the week)

Get started now, share some of these great posts below!

Happy sharing,

For Thought Leadership

Template # 1

Subject line: Remember to keep queueing up your posts!


With all of us turning to remote and online forms of communication, now is more important than ever to establish your brand as an expert in your industry.

According to Edelman and LinkedIn, thought leadership gives businesses access to high-level decision-makers, contributing significantly to not only lead generation and sales but also establishing a good rapport with existing customers.

The best part is- it’s easy to do this with PostBeyond! We’ve gathered the most interesting and relevant content that can help you stand out as an expert with your network.

All you need to do is sign-in and queue up some posts to go out throughout the week.

Get started now, click on any of the posts below to start queueing up your posts for the week.

Happy Sharing!

Template # 2

Subject line: Top of mind = everything right now


According to Harvard Business Review, “building, and maintaining strong brands—ones that customers recognize and trust—remains one of the best ways to reduce business risk during a downturn.”

We can all do our part to help (INSERT COMPANY NAME) stand out as a trusted brand our customers and community can rely on.

We’ve added some great posts to PostBeyond for you to share how we’re helping our staff, community and customers get through this time together.

Click on a post below to get started!

Template # 3

Subject line: Help your company, share on (INSERT PROGRAM NAME)


If there’s one thing this crisis and what previous hardships have taught us, it’s that trust is paramount. During a market downturn, worried buyers perceive familiar and trusted brands, products, and services as a safe choice.

PostBeyond can help us show our buyers that (INSERT COMPANY NAME) is a trusted brand focused on solving our customer’s problems first and foremost, instead of profits.

We’ve added some great posts (INSERT EXAMPLE) on how we’re helping our customers during this difficult time.

The more you share this content only on our social networks, the more likely our customers will see it and the more trust we’ll earn.

Start sharing today! Click a post below to get started.

For Employer Branding/Recruiting

Template # 1

Subject line: Why it’s important to stay active on LinkedIn, even if we’re not recruiting


An employer brand is just like our general brand- it’s about helping the public get to know us better.

We never stop talking about our brand, so why should we stop talking about our employer brand? It’s important for us to still share how we operate as a business, what our values are and the wonderful people who work here.

If you’re in a recruiting role, now is still the time to share posts on what it’s like to work here and even some of our thought leadership content (like those listed below) to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry. Plus, staying active and interacting with your network will only help you when we’re able to hire again.

If you have any questions, please contact (INSERT CONTACT PERSON).

Happy sharing!

Template # 2

Subject line: Why NOW is the time to talk about what it’s like to work here


Did you know that our employer brand (i.e., what people think it’s like to work here) can actually help us make sales?

The University of Kansas conducted a study for Glassdoor which showed that companies which improve their employee satisfaction scores on the site by one star see a 7.9% improvement in their market value.

By sharing good news about (INSERT COMPANY NAME), you’re doing your part to help us make more sales and grow during this uncertain time.

You’ll find some great examples of posts to share below. Sign in and queue up some posts for the week.

Happy sharing!

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