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How to Auto-Subscribe to Topics

What are Auto-Subscribed Topics?

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go over Auto-Subscribed Topics, specifically:

What are Auto-Subscribed Topics?

Auto-Subscribe Topics allows admins to ensure that specific group(s) are automatically following a topic. Any user within this group or added later, will automatically have this topic applied to their feeds.

What is the purpose?

There could be various reasons as to why an admin would want to make a topic mandatory for a group. Some common examples include:

Admins wanting groups to follow relevant topics that pertain to their objectives. Example: The admin of your instance may want ensure that all users a part of the 'Marketing (group)' are following the 'Marketing (topic)'.

OR perhaps there are important posts everyone in the company should see, but not all content can be captured in the (4) featured posts. This is an alternative that will ensure important company-wide content is available to everyone.

How Auto-Subscribe Topics appears on the end-user view

Once completed, users will see the following views within their account:

My Feed

Auto-Subscribed Topics will appear below the 'Latest' feed

Manage Topics

Users will not be able to remove these topics as they will be locked in, similar to other mandatory feeds.

Should the admin choose to remove a topic from being Auto-Subscribed, the feed will still be followed by existing users, but the feed will become optional, and users will be able to un-follow the topic. (Note: see how the check mark went from greyed out to black and the lock disappeared).

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