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Changing the SAML SSO IdP (Identity Provider)

Learn the steps to changing an existing SSO IdP.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

If a company already has SAML SSO set-up with PostBeyond and are changing the IdP (Identity Provider), make sure to follow these instructions to ensure a smooth process:

Step 1: The admin should let the CSM know that this is going to happen, and provide a time where they know that the least amount of users will be logging into the platform or a 'downtime' they've scheduled with ALL of the users.

Step 2: The Admin will provide the following information to PostBeyond:

  • Metadata

  • Certificate

  • The three Attributes: ( 1 ) givenname – user first name, ( 2 ) surname – user last name, ( 3 ) emailaddress – user email address

Note: The SP (Service Provider) metadata that was sent from PostBeyond the initial SSO set-up will remain the same

Step 3: During this scheduled downtime, PostBeyond will use the above data to make the changes to the platform. Once this process is completed, PostBeyond will notify the company's Admin and IT team that the switch over was completed.

Step 4: From there, we would suggest testing the SAML SSO set-up to ensure that it is working properly.

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