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Benefits of Microsoft Teams Integration

Learn about the benefits of our Microsoft Teams integrations.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Our Microsoft Teams integration is the perfect way to meet your team where they're at. This integration allows you to send information and social content right into a Teams channel. It’s easier and faster for your employees to access content and share it with their social networks.

Your employees no longer have to log into different platforms, PostBeyond lives in the one single workspace that employees use to connect.

This integration is the first step in creating first-class integrations with the Microsoft ecosystem, allowing our customers to leverage the tools they already use in a seamless way.

What are the benefits?

Plugging into Your Existing Ecosystem

We understand the benefits of having all of your tools connect with one another.

The Microsoft Teams integration will save your employees and partners the time it takes to discover new content. Your employees will no longer have to log into another platform to see if there’s any new and fresh content.

You can now distribute the important posts for employees to share by simply pushing individual posts to a Teams channel as soon as it’s created. Your advocates can access the content and the rest of the great pieces you have in your content library as well.

The integration is just one of the ways you can leverage PostBeyond within your Microsoft ecosystem. Our Microsoft Sharepoint integration allows you to load your PostBeyond content library right within Sharepoint. Your employees won’t need to ever leave Sharepoint to view your entire content library. You can also use Microsoft Azure for single sign-on to avoid having to create usernames and passwords for your users in PostBeyond as well.

Creating New Employee Advocates

Rolling out and expanding any program to your employees takes a lot of time and effort.

Emails get lost and announcements can get drowned out by other pressing business that people have. An employee advocacy platform rollout is not different. But with the Microsoft Teams integration, you can create organic growth of your program by pushing the content that you want people to view and share front and centre, to the place where people are already spending their time.

If you have a blog article or company announcement, you can send the piece of content to a channel that your employees have access to, grabbing their attention, and pushing them into the PostBeyond platform. Coupling that with single sign-on service, and the process of cutting through the noise becomes much smoother.

Ensure the Most Important Content is Seen

You have the ability to highlight your most important pieces of content to the people who most need to see it. The integration provides flexibility because you can choose which pieces of content you’d like pushed to Microsoft Teams.

If there is an important piece of news, an exciting new product release, a big event, or anything else you want to ensure your employees see, you can now highlight it by serving it to users.

The PostBeyond and Microsoft Teams integration is part of our ongoing strategy to make it frictionless for employees to find and share content. To see PostBeyond in action, click here to request a demo.

Ready to integrate?

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