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How to Create a PostBeyond Report with BlueShift

Learn how to measure the success of PostBeyond through BlueShift Metrics and Reporting.

Michelle Kim avatar
Written by Michelle Kim
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will cover:

Segmenting in BlueShift

When a new user is created in Blueshift, the program automatically sets the traffic source parameters to the first UTM parameters it detects. However, if edits must be made or more information needs to be added, this can be done by clicking on 'Segments' on the left hand panel.

On the top right hand corner, click the '+Segment' button. Click on 'Traffic Source' in the Create Segment window.

Blueshift stores the traffic source information on all your web traffic, the Traffic source tab allows you to segment user's based on how they were acquired via traffic source attributes.

You can also set these attributes by uploading them as User Attributes, please find the mapping below between user attribute names and the display name.

For our purposes, the user attribute of first_utm_campaign will contain exactly 'PostBeyond'.

Report Filtering in BlueShift

Step 1: Click on 'Insights' on the left hand panel.

Step 2: Click on '+Report' on the top right hand corner.

Step 3: Specify a name of the report, for example, "PostBeyond Clicks".

Step 4: Choose a metric for this report. This is the metric that you want to analyze. You can choose an option from a core metric, a custom goal or a compound metric. You can also create a compound metric.

Step 5: Use the Group By parameter to slice and dice the campaign performance. For example, you could compare campaign performance by campaign type or by recommendation usage.

Step 6: Click Save after you create the report and are satisfied with it. You can view the report on the Insights index page under 'Reports'.

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