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How to Track PostBeyond Salesforce Attribution via Eloqua

Learn how to track PostBeyond traffic with Eloqua

Michelle Kim avatar
Written by Michelle Kim
Updated over a week ago

In cross-channel marketing, you have a lot of different entry points to your landing pages. So it’s a good idea to keep track of which sources, campaigns, content variants and other elements are generating traffic - and which are converting on your content.

In this first-touch attribution model using Eloqua and Salesforce, you will be able to view all of the leads converted from employee-shared content. With the combination of hidden form fields and UTM tracking, you can track and measure leads in Eloqua field forms and in Salesforce. Attribution can only be done with content that includes lead capture, such as download forms for an eBook, webinar or other assets (i.e. a gated form to access the content).

There are 3 parts to this process:

PART 1: Create a Custom Field in Eloqua

In Oracle Eloqua, you're looking for the Database name of a field. To find the Database name for a field, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to Oracle Eloqua. In the top right corner, click on the gear icon:


This will open the Settings menu. In the Database Setup section, click on Fields & Views:


In the Fields section, find the field you want to write the query string parameter value to and click on it to see more details.

Here, look for Database name:


Use the Database name to specify this field when setting up the hidden field on your Form CTA.

2. Set up Form CTA hidden fields to capture query string data

To capture query string parameter data each time a Form CTA is submitted, you'll use a hidden field. This is exactly what it sounds like: a field that is not visible to the visitors who fill out a Form CTA, and which invisibly passes data of your choice to the connected MAP each time the CTA is submitted.


  • You need to create a separate hidden field for each distinct query string parameter you want to capture.

  • You must add each hidden field to each Form CTA individually. If a hidden field for a given query string parameter is not present on a particular Form CTA, that Form CTA will not send query string data for that parameter to your MAP. Open the CTA Editor for the Form CTA on which you want to use the hidden field. Click on Layout, then click on Manage next to Form Fields to open the Manage Fields menu. Click on the Add New button to add a new field.

  • In the Search box, type in the field label/name for the MAP field where you want to record the query string data. Make sure to use the regular field label when searching, not the unique field name you identified earlier. See below for what this label is called in the various MAPs:

    • HubSpot: Label

    • Eloqua: Friendly Label

    • Oracle Eloqua: Display name

    • Pardot: NAME

When you have the field you want, click on Apply. This will populate the API Name and Field Label fields in the Field Settings section. Make sure the API Name matches the unique field name you identified earlier to verify that you have the correct field:


  • Note: If you want, you can also change the Field label text. This is the label that Uberflip will use to identify this hidden field in the CTA Editor. Since this is a hidden field, the label will not be visible to your visitors.

Under Field type, use the dropdown to select Hidden:


You'll now see some additional options appear. Don't type anything into the Hidden value field. Instead, check the box next to Allow query string values to populate this field:


A new field called Param name will appear. In this field, type in the name of the query string parameter you want to capture with this hidden field:

  • What you need to enter here is the part of the query string that's between the ? and the =. For example, if the query string is ?campaign=examplecampaign, then you would enter campaign into the Param name field (as shown in the image above).

  • By default, this field will be automatically pre-filled using the value from the API Name field above. However, these two values do not need to match. The query string parameter can be whatever you want — make sure that what you type into the Param name field matches the actual query string parameter you put in your links.

Click on the Save button to create the field and return to the Manage Fields menu. The newly created field will be shown under the Existing Fields list:


If necessary, repeat steps 3-9 to create additional hidden fields for any other query string parameters you want to capture.

When you're done, close the Manage Fields menu to return to the CTA Editor. Here, make sure to check the boxes next to the new hidden fields (under the Form Fields section) to add them to the Form CTA:


You're done! Your changes will be saved automatically, and will take effect immediately on this Form CTA. Remember: form fields are specific to each Form CTA, so you have to create and add the new hidden field(s) to every CTA separately. You can either repeat the steps above for any other Form CTAs on which you want to capture query string data, or simply copy this CTA and modify it as needed.

PART 2: Map Eloqua properties to Salesforce fields

Once hidden form fields are created, you will need to map Eloqua properties to Salesforce fields. They must have corresponding field types to sync properly.

Step 1: In Salesforce (Lightning), go to the contact level, select a contact, click 'Edit Object'

Graphical user interface, application, email

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Step 2: Select 'Field and Relationships', identify the field you want to attach to the previously created Eloqua field (in this example, ‘Lead Source”) and select it.

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Step 3: This will take you to another page where you can edit picklist options, select 'New' and create your new “PostBeyond” field option

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Step 4: Fill out the details and 'Save'

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PART 3: Track UTM in Forms built by Eloqua

First, we’ll need to add a hidden form field. Hidden form fields can silently capture data without the visitor’s input. Here’s how it works.

The Oracle Eloqua form Design Editor uses three types of design components to build your forms: contact fields, form elements, and field groups. These components are found in the Design tab. Drag-and-drop them onto the canvas to add them to your form.

An image of the Design tab.

Learn more about each of these form design components and how to customize them:

For more information on Eloqua campaigns, visit their help centre here.

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