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Best Practices for Creating Great Content

Learn best practices for creating great content for your PostBeyond platform.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Content is the cornerstone of the success of your team on PostBeyond. Using PostBeyond as your centralized hub for content makes it easy for your champions to see and share it. 

However, giving users content they want to share is key, and creating a sustainable content strategy is how you can action this. It is recommended that you have create 1-3 posts on PostBeyond per day. This content can come from third party sources and your repurposed content.

1. Start with a Content Strategy

Your PostBeyond content should stem from your larger content strategy. For more information on best practices for building out your social media content strategy click here.

Having a content strategy helps to ensure that your content is timely, supports your business objectives and ensures that you have a steady stream of content available on PostBeyond at all times.

2. Focus on Quality over Quantity

When it comes to creating your own content (i.e., blog, videos, resources etc.) it’s crucial to take the time to produce high quality content. It elevates the status of your brand when you create quality content that makes you stand out. You can do this by:

  • Providing opinions on topics in your industry

  • Writing for your audience (think about who your target audience is and write for them)

  • Researching and writing about trends in your industry

3. Encourage User-Generated Content

The highest sharing content is often content suggested and created by staff. This can include:

  • Photos from company events

  • Links to blog posts written by staff

  • Photos of day-to-day activities around the office

  • Content from social media hashtags (This is a great option if you’re running campaigns that use hashtags! PostBeyond can help you search these hashtags and pull content from these tags into the platform for your team to re-share)

The best way to encourage this type of content is by encouraging your staff to suggest content through the platform during company events or fun times around the office. Alternatively, you can also create an employee hashtag for staff to use when they post on their own social networks and you can pull from there.

4. Repurpose Content

Your existing content is gold! Don’t be afraid to repurpose it. This can help you reach new people, recirculate old content and take different viewpoints on timely events.

Here are some tips for repurposing your content:

  • Take a different viewpoint: modify or rewrite a piece from a new perspective. It’s fresh but you didn’t have to start from scratch.

  • Turn blogs into other forms: infographics do great as do audio files, videos, and podcasts.

  • Break down larger white-papers or downloadable documents into several smaller blog posts.

5. Diversify your content

Though you may want them to ONLY share branded content, it will definitely take some variety to get your champions using the platform often and consistently. This is where third party content comes in. Third party content is content not produced by your company. This could include industry news, helpful resources, reports, funny videos or GIFs. You have two ways to approach this kind of content:

  1. Share as-is, with no edits.

  2. Curate content: strategically choose what to editorialize and share. Highlight the key points of the content and add your own commentary to it.

To keep your content library interesting and amplify your brand voice, you need a mix of both third party content as well as your branded content.

Pros of curating content:

  • Gaps in your content schedule are easily filled

  • Helps to demonstrate thought leadership - it shows that you’re keeping up with industry news and sharing what’s relevant to your company

  • Keeps you top-of-mind as you become a valuable source of information to your network

To diversify your content on PostBeyond use the inbox

(Check out our How-To Guide here on how to set up content feeds in your inbox)

6. Include Calls to Action

To get your content to get the most engagement and shares, include a call to action on every post. A call to action simply helps give the post’s reader something to do with the post. The key to getting the most engagement on a post is to ensure the value that someone will get by interacting with the post is clear. I.e., you will learn X if you read this, or this video will help you do Y.

Here are a few examples of calls to actions you can use:

  • Click here to learn more about…

  • Use trending hashtags and ask readers to repost or share with the hashtag.

  • Ask questions to engage readers. Simple and close-ended questions work best to get more clicks, so ask questions that could get a “yes” or “no” response.

  • Be a little controversial. Post something that will make readers and followers want to engage with the post to confirm or deny your stance. It doesn’t have to be wild, just something like a headline saying "nothing is original". They’ll be curious and will click to learn more.

7. Use High Quality Photos

Highly visual and engaging posts perform best in terms of shares and engagement. Always try to include a photo in all of your PostBeyond posts. You can get creative with this as well, using free photo editing tools like Canvas to add text to photos (like we did below).

8. Tag Influencers in Posts

Social media is about people. It’s social! So why not tag and engage your fans and influencers online. If you are using third party content (which is recommended), this is a great opportunity to reference the people who have created the content. Tag these people and thank them in your posts. This helps to engage those influencers and their networks which will drive more engagement on posts.

9. Write catchy post headlines

Headlines are the first thing a reader sees on a post. Make it catchy and immediately valuable for the reader to want to read more. A foolproof hack is to use the three kinds of headlines that work best for engaging readers: how-to, list, and questions.

10. Create multiple posts for the Same Link

CoSchedule reports that you can get 31.5 times more click-throughs when you share your content on social media more than once. You can share the link on social media more than once by creating different messages and adding different images for each post through PostBeyond.

11. Use Hashtags

According to CoSchedule’s research, using hashtags on Twitter can double your engagement rate. Be sure to include hashtags in your post to help get more engagement through riding trending hashtags and making content searchable on the social networks.

12. Use Emojis 🙂👍

Emojis can help make your content a bit more fun and social. It provides a bit of personality which can help improve the engagement of posts.

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