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How to Troubleshoot LinkedIn Posts

If your LinkedIn post did not share properly, here are a few ways you can troubleshoot.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In some cases, when sharing to LinkedIn from a third party provider - issues may occur and the post might not appear as intended.

This article will go over some examples of these types of sharing issues that might happen and how solutions can actioned out.

Types of errors that occur:

Image does not display/render

Sometimes when sharing to LinkedIn, your post might not display an image:

This can happen for different reasons:

1. The custom short URL for your instance is the same as the URL domain of the post.

If you notice that the post URL and the short URL (highlight in red) share the same domain - please contact you program manager or This is something that might need to be corrected with the admins that manage the platform.

2. Servers between LinkedIn and PostBeyond experienced a delay and all of the information did not transfer to the post

This happens often between third party providers. If you experience an image that is missing - delete the post and share again!

If this continues to happen after trying to share the post multiple times - please contact There may be something else going on.

Post format is not an expected

If all of the elements of the post are there, but they appear outside of the usual format with a large image - this is the result of the social network. Essentially, something on LinkedIn's side decided to show the post in this format and PostBeyond is unable make any changes or control this outcome.

That said - this often will correct itself and the post may change without any intervention. If it does not or you do not want to take any chances - you can always delete the post and try sharing again.

Post snippet is displays odd characters or random text

This section of the post is pulled in from the URL:

Sometimes, PostBeyond is unable to change this and you may need to reach out to your IT team if this is a URL from your company's branded site.

Please contact for further investigation.

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