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Why is my image not sharing?

This article outlines some of the reasons why your image is not sharing.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

There are times when a post image does not share - which is very frustrating. Below is the most common reasons for each platform.

If you ever find that ALL users are experiencing issues with an image not populating, that could indicate a different issue. In these cases, we do recommend flagging this to our team at and providing the post details for troubleshooting.

Sharing to LinkedIn

Sometimes when sharing to LinkedIn, your post might not display an image:

This can happen for different reasons:

  1. The custom short URL for your instance is the same as the URL domain of the post.

  2. Servers between LinkedIn and PostBeyond experienced a delay and all of the information did not transfer to the post

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1. The custom short URL for your instance is the same as the URL domain of the post.

If you notice that the post URL and the short URL (highlight in red) share the same domain - please contact you program manager or This is something that might need to be corrected with the admins that manage the platform.

2. Servers between LinkedIn and PostBeyond experienced a delay and all of the information did not transfer to the post

This happens often between third party providers. If you experience an image that is missing - delete the post and share again!

If this continues to happen after trying to share the post multiple times - please contact There may be something else going on.

Sharing to Twitter

For Twitter, sometimes they do not display an image, but then after some time the image will appear (or vis versa: the image is shared correctly and over-time with disappear). This is something with the platform that we've seen happen with third-party sharing platforms and also with users sharing directly to Twitter. So deleting and re-sharing does not necessarily fix this issue, as it is something on Twitter's end.

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