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How to Set-up Your Microsoft Teams Integration

Learn how to set-up MS Teams integration and how it works.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we go over:


  • Easily plug into your existing Microsoft Ecosystem

  • Similar to Slack, Admins can push important content to a Teams group or channel to users from which they can easily share to PostBeyond

  • Microsoft Teams conveniently updates users on added PostBeyond content and helps users share to social networks with ease

  • Create New Employee Advocates

To learn more about these benefits see Benefits of Microsoft Teams Integration.

How to Connect Microsoft Teams

In MS Teams, go to the Teams page and find the group that you would like to connect PostBeyond. Click the 3 dots to select 'Connectors':

Once selected, scroll through the integrations and find PostBeyond and click 'Configure'.

A pop-up window will appear - copy the Webhook URL:

Then in PostBeyond, navigate to the Admin panel > Settings > Integrations and click 'Link Microsoft Teams'.

Add the Webhook URL + Channel Name and click 'Save'.

Once you are completed, the integration will now give you the option to 'Unlink Microsoft Teams' and the option to 'Push posts to Microsoft Teams by default...' which can be toggled off per post in post creation. If this is not selected, admins/content creators will see a toggle that is off when creating a post and can toggle this on to push to MS teams.

How Microsoft Teams will function once integrated

How MS Teams Integration Operates for Admins/Content Creators

Overall, the purpose of this integration is to push content to the users. For admins and content creators, there are many ways to do this within the platform.

In a post creation/edit, if 'Push to Microsoft Teams' is toggled on before the content is saved, the post will automatically push to MS Teams.

For created posts that you want to push to MS Teams, you can also click the settings toggle of a post in the Admin > Posts page, and select 'Push to Microsoft Teams'.

If creating a post in Inbox, the admin/content creator can toggle on/off the same option to push content to MS Teams.

How will MS Teams appear to End Users?

In MS Teams, posts that have been pushed from PostBeyond will appear to users in the feed. Here they can click 'Go to post':

If not logged in to PostBeyond, they will be taken to the sign-in page, before being taken to the specific post.

The user is directed to the single post view› and can select the social network or native sharing option to share the content.

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