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How to Auto-Queue Posts (End-Users)

What is Auto-Queue? Learn how to enable Auto-Queue.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

Your program manager may enable Auto-Queue, which pushes content from PostBeyond straight to your LinkedIn account - removing the effort required to manually queue and share posts.

And while this feature may be enabled by your admin, it is optional for you to toggle this feature on/off, and you always have the ability to delete/edit a post before it goes live.

Note: This feature is currently only available for LinkedIn

In this article, we go over:

Is Auto-Queue a fit for you?

✅ You do not have time to queue or share posts on a weekly cadence and want to participate in social sharing.

✅ You are new to social media and do not understand how to share, and trust the content that your admins are creating to share on your behalf.

You want to make sure that you are sharing important content valuable to your company.

You already have developed a habit of queuing/sharing your posts on a regular basis and prefer to manage the posts you share.

How Auto-Queue works

Once enabled by your admin, this feature will become available for you to toggle on if you choose. On a high level, this is what you can expect:

  • When an admin pushes a post to users’ queues it will go to their next available queue time.

  • You will be notified when a post is added to the queue, where you can then edit the post or delete it from your queue.

  • When a queued/scheduled post fails to be shared, you are sent a notification to prompt you to relink your account.

How to Enable Auto-Queue

Navigate to My Settings > Queue Settings

  • Make sure at least one time slot is available

  • Select toggle to enable Auto-Queue

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save

Note: At this moment only LinkedIn auto-queue is available

Auto-Queue Notifications

Types of Notifications

There are several different notifications associated with Auto-Queuing Posts:

  1. Posts added to your queue

  2. Posts added to your queue failed to share (next step: relinking your social media accounts)

Enable/Disable Notifications

To enable/disable notifications:

  1. Go to My Settings

  2. Scroll to Notification Settings

  3. Toggle Mobile or In-app notifications on/off

How Notifications Appear

When a post has been added to your queue, you will be notified.

Notifications include:

  • In-app (as seen below)

  • Email

Similarly, when you need to relink your social media account, you will also receive an email and/or in-app notification prompting you for this action:

View, Delete, or Edit Auto-Queued posts

Navigate to your My Shares page and find the post that you would like to edit:

Alternatively, if you click on the queued post from the email or in-app notification, you will be redirected to the My Shares page, where you have the option to edit and delete the queued post before it goes live.

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