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How to Present the Value of EMV to Execs

Here's a high level explainer of EMV and how it ties to company objectives for your executives.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will discuss Earned Media Value at a high level and how to communicate its value to your executive team.

What is Earned Media Value (EMV)?

Earned Media Value provides an estimation of how much it would have cost to purchase the same interactions in paid media on social networks.

In PostBeyond, Admins can set these values up to reflect industry-relevant costs of interactions and engagements such as clicks, likes, and retweets.

How to Compare to Paid Social Campaigns

You can determine your EMV calculator amounts by looking at invoices for any paid posts from LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, paying particular attention to any cost per interaction metrics such as cost per impression (CPI) and cost per click (CPC). This is helpful to use as a baseline for the calculator in order to have the most accurate EMV data possible.

How to Demonstrate EMV to Execs

EMV is a valuable metric to demonstrate the value of your employee advocacy program. Include your PostBeyond generated EMV as a line item in marketing reports alongside other channels to show how much your company is saving by harnessing the social power of your employees. Qualitative stats are important, but executives appreciate seeing a clear return on investment metric that demonstrates the monetary value of your program

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