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Best Practices for Groups

Learn what Groups are, how to create Groups, and best practices for structuring groups based on your goals.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go over:

Groups Overview

Groups are used to help filter Users in order to display appropriate content. There are 3 primary purposes of Groups:

  1. Segment content based on audience: Every piece of content is assigned to a Group. If the post can be seen and shared by everyone on your platform, assign it to the 'All' Group. Otherwise, you can decide which Groups see what content. For example, only sharing content in French to users in the Quebec Group.

  2. Segment data for reporting & analytics: You can pull reports based on the performance of the different Groups in the platform. This can be leveraged to send downloadable Group reports to the team leads of those Groups so they have visibility into who is sharing and who isn’t. These analytics can be found in the Admin view, under 'Analytics', then 'Groups'.

  3. Set up multiple leaderboards & run specific contests: You can set up multiple Leaderboards when there are region or department specific contests. As well, if your program is very large it may make more sense to keep the Leaderboards divided by the different Groups.

Map Your Groups

Use this exercise to determine how to divide your employees into Groups:

How to Create Groups

Let's go over how to create a Group:

Step 1: Select 'Team', and then 'Groups'

Step 2: Select 'Create New Group'

Click on 'Create New Group' on the top right corner.

Step 3: Name and place the group

Give your new group a name and place in the hierarchy. Users and content can now be added to that group.

Best Practices

  • We recommend Admins set Groups up based on the following criteria: region (i.e., North America, South America, etc), department, language, or any other segmentation you need based on reporting, leaderboards or content segmentation.

  • Users can be a part of many Groups, but we recommend limiting it to 3 groups, if possible. Users belonging to too many Groups can skew the Group reporting data as they will be counted across the multiple Groups, multiple times.

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