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Inbox: An Overview

Read this article for an overview of the Inbox: a feature that allows you to import content feeds to create posts with.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

The Inbox allows you to import content from outside feeds directly to your PostBeyond platform. You can directly import from a variety of content feeds such as Twitter accounts and hashtags, YouTube channels, Instagram hashtags, Facebook pages, and RSS feeds.

NOTE: In order to successfully pull a Twitter feed, you need to have a Twitter account connected from the end-user side of the platform.

Posts to Add to Your Group(s): 

When an admin or content creator from another group forwards a post to your group, it will appear in this folder. You can select which group(s) to add the post to by selecting them from the tree control under 'Add to My Groups' and then clicking the 'Add to Group(s)' button. If you don't want to add a post that has been forwarded to you, you can delete it from your Inbox by clicking X. When you delete a forwarded post from Inbox, it is deleted for all admins in your groups.

Suggested From Users:

This folder shows you content that your users have suggested. You can decide whether to create a post or reject their suggestion.

User suggestions can be deleted from Inbox or Posts.

Content Feeds List and Content Feed

The left side of your Inbox shows all of the different content feeds you are interested in pulling content from. The right side shows the content available to be pulled from the selected feed.

Add a Content Feed

Here is where you can add additional feeds you are interested in pulling content from. This can be done by selecting the 'Add' button.

You can then add new feeds from a Facebook page, Twitter account or hashtag, Instagram hashtags, RSS feed, or YouTube channel.


Selecting the refresh button will refresh the feeds so that any recent updates can be imported.

Add Folder

This allows you to add a folder in order to help keep your feeds more organized.

Edit Folder

Selecting the gear next to the folder allows you to edit the folder, move it up and down in your list of feeds, or delete the folder. Please note that deleting a folder will not delete the feeds inside the folder.

Edit Feed

Selecting the gear under the feed name allows you to move the feed to a folder, move it up and down in your list of feeds, or delete the feed.

Importing a Post

When you select a post you would like to import from a feed, a third column will appear to the right of the Content Feed. That is where you edit the information about the specific post(s) you would like to import.

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