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Administrator Settings: An Overview

Where and what are the administrator settings?

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

There are a number of settings you can adjust as an Administrator. These settings can be accessed from the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen.

From there, you can navigate through the different settings available to you.


Your Personal settings are account settings for your own account.


Company settings is where you can change the name of your platform or update your logo.

URL Shortener

If you have a custom that you would like to integrate into PostBeyond you can do so in the URL Shortener section.

Why use bitly?

It is not required since your company has access to all of the PostBeyond URLs through UTM parameters. However, if your company uses bitly for other marketing materials you may chose to do the same here to remain consistent.

Remember: Bitly tracks clicks, but wouldn’t provide any website visit data.

Earned Media Value (EMV)

Earned Media Value will allow you to set your definitions of the value of each type of interaction.


Here you can select which notifications you would like to receive as an Admin.


In Integrations, you can link external platforms to your PostBeyond account, including:

  • Slack and Microsoft Teams to push newly created content to directly to these channels to maximize user visibility.


This is where you can add placeholder text for Twitter and Facebook captions.


Compliance is where you can update prohibited words and phrases to ensure that users do not say anything that may be contrary to your company's brand.

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