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Get to Know Your Users: Intro to Analytics

Learn the basics about the analytics you can find in your PostBeyond platform.

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go over the different analytics that can be viewed on the Administrator dashboard. We will also go over how to set up the point systems on the Leaderboard and how to set values for each activity to properly calculate your Earned Media Value (EMV) for PostBeyond.

There are many great insights you can gain from how users are interacting with the content in your platform, and how their networks are engaging with it externally. The Analytics section can help you track how well you and users are doing, and give you ideas about how you can improve on your content strategy.

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Your Leaderboard is a great way to get users motivated to share content. There are many different ways you can set up the Leaderboard so that points are awarded for the activity you would like to encourage. Here you will learn how to set up the way points are awarded to end users.


  • Review the point allocation of LinkedIn shares on your Leaderboard.

  • Note who the top three users on your Leaderboard are.

Earned Media Value allows you to see how much it would have cost you to purchase the same interactions in paid media on the social networks. You can set these values up to reflect what you know about the costs for things like clicks, likes, and retweets.


  • Note your EMV for the period you are looking at.

  • Change the way EMV is allocated to Twitter re-shares.

You can change both your personal settings and your company settings from the Settings page. Here we will go over how these settings can affect the way you work within PostBeyond.


  • Change your own password.

  • Change your notification settings

The Administrator dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into PostBeyond as an Administrator or Content Creator. The dashboard can offer valuable insights into how your program is doing.


  • Change your view of the manager dashboard to show activity from the last 14 days.

  • Check how many interactions you have had over the period you are looking at.

  • Note how many shares your platform has had in the period.

Post Analytics is the first page you will see after navigating to our Analytics section. On this page you will find the per post data on shares and interactions. You can use this page to gauge what type of content is getting shared the most and use that information to inform your post creation strategy.

User Analytics allows you to have insight into how each end user is interacting with content on the platform. You can go deeper into how specific users or groups of users are performing.

Group Analytics is where you can see the breakdown of how certain groups performed relative to other groups. You can also see how each individual group member performed.

Topic Analytics allows you to see how each of your topics performed. This can provide insight into what type of content performs best.

Here we will go over the additional analytics sections, such as the Adoption, Earned Media Value, Map Analytics, and Compliance Report.

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